Think Tank Participant and Speaker for Getting Closer to Dance: A Homecoming Leadership, Advocacy, and Technology in Dance and Movement-based Practices
cari ann shim sham* will present on Friday Jan 13th at 2:45pm on Art as Digital Currency.
shim sham* will also be in the Think Tank presentation on Jan 12th at 2:45pm
This is a new symposium designed for dance and movement-based professionals co-hosted by The Joyce Theater and New York University/Steinhardt in collaboration with dance and technology innovator Norah Zuniga-Shaw.
This extraordinary January symposium is co-directed by Heather McCartney and Cornelius Carter (The Joyce) and offers the opportunity to engage in discourse and exploration of the topics below:
performance post-2020: lessons, losses, and discoveries
curriculum as curation (i.e. guest speakers, artists, repertoire, and faculty)
challenging and redefining mentorship, and increasing student agency
21st century currencies and tactics for sharing resources, power, and access
advancing equity and collaboration through transformative leadership
creative and critical engagement with technology
weaving technology, leadership, and advocacy in service of better futures