artist in residence
Santa Monica College Guest Artist 2021
cari ann shim sham created “pandemic statements” with the santa monica college synapse contemporary dance company. while in residence she lead workshops in dancing with devices and designing for interaction with technology during the dance on camera week along with a curators talk “you made a film, so now what?”. additionally she gave critique and mentored smc choreographers’ dance films.
MUSE Resident Artist 2020-2021
shimmer the singing sea anemone was chosen as a MUSE residency at Dancespace in 2019 just as covid shut down nyc. pending cdc guidelines the project hopes to reignite in june of 2021. while waiting, shimmer has gone into a virtual reality architectural rendering to imagine the space exhibited in 360 video at
Columbia Barnard Movement Lab Artist in residence 2019-2020
cari ann was an artist in residence at the Barnard Movement Lab 2019-20. her research included depth capture data for avatar animation, the creation of a large scale pepper’s ghost, investigating ways of projecting onto trapped haze & vapor to create 3-d moving images, developing immersive experiences for bodies in motion using kinect overhead projection interactivity, live feed video feedback loops, and the manipulation of light & shadows. research and results will appear in the Obsessed with Light Documentary film to be released in 2022.
Salamanca Moves Guest Mover in Residence 2016
cari ann shim sham* had a great time as a mover in residence for the salamanca moves festival in hobart, tasmania. she curated four programs of short dance films for the festival, brought an interactive installation called “puppet” by nyu alums yuli cai, donald c shorter jr and aarón montoya-moraga, taught a filming the moving body workshop and was featured on a panel about bodies in motion.