to Jun 25

Hello Chelsea!! / Techspressionism 2025

Hello Chelsea!! / Techspressionism 2025

Curated by Tommy Mintz

Hudson Guild Gallery, 441 W. 26th St. April 30 -
June 25, 2025

Featuring a preview of cari ann’s new project, ~ body waves ~ and her cyber feminist work, "black and white: a man ray redux" v1

"black and white: a man ray redux" v1

~ body waves ~ #60 smoked

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to Mar 9

TransCultural Exchange Conference AI Panelist

 TransCultural Exchange Conference

March 7-9, 2025, in Cambridge, MA

cari ann will sit on a diverse panel of artists using AI in totally different ways - to find commonalities and inspire the audience of mostly non-technical artists to open up to it

Moderator: Eric Gunther, artist/designer; Co-founder and Creative Director of SOSO
Zachary Lieberman, Artist, Researcher and Educator
cari ann shim sham, Artist, AI Creater and Professor, NYU Tisch School of the Arts
Daniel S. DeLuca, Artist, Designer, and AI Researcher

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7:00 PM19:00

Two Seconds After Laughter Screening at Dance Camera West

Two Seconds After Laughter

David Roussève Retrospective & Private Reception, DCW

Sunday, February 2, 2025 7:00 PM PST
Barnsdall Gallery Theater

As part of its 25th Anniversary as a Los Angeles institution, DCW will honor legendary L.A. based choreographer/writer/director/filmmaker David Roussève on Sunday, February 2, 2025 with a retrospective screening of David’s award-winning dance films, followed by an invite only cocktail reception in his honor.

Two Seconds After Laughter

The third film by director/writer/choreographer David Roussève, "Two Seconds After Laughter" is an original intersection of dance-for-camera, docu-drama, and dream-like fantasy that creates a border-jumping dialogue on a universal irony: The heart longs most for the one place to which it can never fully return… home. With a narrative inspired by choreographer Sri Susilowati's experience of leaving Indonesia to become a dancer in America, "Two Seconds…" weaves stunning cinematography shot in Java and edited by Cari Ann Shim Sham*, traditional Indonesian dance, postmodern Sundanese music, and an emotionally-potent narrative.

"Two Seconds" screened at 45 film festivals in 11 countries and received 10 awards including four for “Best Film”.

Two Seconds After Laughter

Filmed in Java in residency at Indonesian Institute of the Arts, Yogyakarta

Directed, written, co-choreographed by David Roussève

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9:30 PM21:30


An informal showing of hovering, cari ann’s new generative dance work about holding and being held, being between here and there, with no where to land.

Dec 11th at 9am at NYU Tisch Dance 111 2nd ave, 5th floor, Jack Crystal Theater

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to Dec 15

Obsessed with Light Theatrical Release

The documentary film Obsessed with Light about Loïe Fuller will have its theatrical release Dec 6-15, 2024 at the Quad Cinema

It showcases cari ann’s live feedback looping, live projection mapping and interactive/generative video art work for Fractal Memories by Time Lapse Dance ensemble.

Obsessed with Light

Obsessed with Light is a meditation on light and the enduring obsession to create. The film pulls back the curtain on Loïe Fuller, a wildly original performer who revolutionized the visual culture of the early 20th century. Creating a dialogue between the past and the present, the documentary delves into the astonishing influence Fuller's work has on contemporary culture and showcases cari ann's live video loop, mapping and interactive work in Fractal Memories by Time Lapse Dance ensemble,

Dir. Zeva Oelbaum & Sabine Krayenbühl
Choreography Time Lapse Dance
Video Artist & Interactive Designer cari ann shim sham*
Magic Stacks & Interactive Coding joey zaza

BTS Photos and Video Documentation by joey zaza

Theatrical release Dec 6-15th, 2024 at the Quad Theater in NYC

Screened at Lincoln Center for the closing of the Dance On Camera festival Feb 12th, 2024

Palm Springs Intl Film Festival, 2024
Dance on Camera Festival, 2024
Doc NYC, 2023
Hamptons Doc Fest, 2023
Rome Film Fest Freestyle, 2023

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to Sep 25

"Hello Brooklyn!" // Techspressionism 2024

cari ann’s work "black and white: a man ray redux" v1, body landscapes film, and the shimmer small anemones will be exhibited in the “Hello Brooklyn!” // Techspressionism 2024 show curated by Tommy Mintz at the Kingsborough Art Museum August 7 - September 25 with an opening reception Friday August 9 from 5-7pm featuring a performance by the shimmer small anemones

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to Apr 16

SAND screening by Sans Souci Festival

Sans Souci SSF has selected SAND as part of their “Creating Community through Screendance” curation in collaboration with The City of San Marcos Arts Commission.

This program is free and open to the public and it will take place at The San Marcos Public Library SMPL located at 625 E. Hopkins Ave. in San Marcos, TX., USA. The events will take place the third Thursday of the month of February, March, April, September, October and November of 2024 and SAND will be screened in one of these events.

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5:00 PM17:00

Ae/eI Festival: ‘dance prompts’ <dance jam>

February 23, 2024 | 5:00pm - 7:00pm

Movement Lab, Milstein LL020

The Movement Lab presents: the Artificial environments / environmental Intelligence Festival

The Ae/eI Festival features work-in-progress installations and performances in the Movement Lab every day during the week of February 21-28, all of which are free and open to the public. It is guided by the question, what happens when we close the loop on the constructed binary of nature and technology?

Artificial environments / environmental Intelligence Festival Night 3:  

‘dance prompts’ <dance jam> | a generative prompt party to train an AI choreographer 

Created by cari ann shim sham, Demetris Charalambous, and Karsen

Friday, February 23rd   |   5:00pm

Phase one of a participatory artificial intelligence generative dance project to develop an AI choreographer biased towards inclusive and accessible movement. 'dance prompts' <dance jam> | generative prompt party will test images, text, games and spatial design on bodies in motion. The attendees will engage in conversation post jam about which prompts worked best for their bodies. Selected prompts will be used to train a neural network to choreograph for Phase two of the project.

 rsvp https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeId_CRk0iWTOlFkPbEEh3pMH1EYXQvJ3J4tQ09UmoKg89dpg/viewform

Jam begins at 5:00 PM

Capacity in the lab is capped at 40 audience members. Attendees who have RSVP'd before the event will have priority, and admission will be determined on a first come first serve basis on arrival. If you RSVP before the event but you arrive late, we reserve the right to give your spot to someone on the waitlist. 

Attendees who have not RSVP'd will be put on a standby waitlist if they arrive in-person before the event.

cari ann shim sham* is a wild artist, free diver, & edible mushroom hunter. Her practice explores bodily circular movement's relationship to magic, self portraiture as critique, human interactions with technology, the power of asking questions & the possibilities of improvisation & experimentation to liberate dance. She often works in the nude. Recently exhibited by Loop Art Critique, Li Tang Gallery, NFTBali, Superlative Gallery, and Las Lagunas Art she is currently investigating AI choreography, generative dance, blockchain GIF archival of performance, & ways of using blockchain in lieu of social media. Her work has shown at notable venues such as Cannes, United Nations General Assembly, Samsung Developers conference, Future of Storytelling, Jacob's Pillow, REDCAT, & BAM. Four of her dance films are distributed by Routeledge and she is the first video artist to redesign Rauschenberg's 'Shiner' for "Set & Reset, Reset" by the Trisha Brown company. She is co-founder and curator for the Museum of Wild and Newfangled Art and is a full Arts Professor of Dance & Technology at NYU, TISCH Dance Department. www.cariannshimsham.com


Demetris Charalambous is an experimental NYC-based maker born and raised in Cyprus. Demetris's mediums span performance, choreography, and visual art. Demetris' work and collaborations have been presented in spaces and platforms such as Performance Space New York, Center for Performance Research, Judson Memorial Church, the Living Gallery, NOWNESS.com, and Berlin Commercial. Demetris is an NYU Tisch School of the Arts BFA Honors scholar and has trained in workshops across Europe such as b12 Berlin Workshop Festival, Palucca Hochschule für tanz in Dresden, Academie de Danse Princesse Grace in Monaco, DeDutchDon’tDanceDivision in the Hague, English National Ballet and Rambert School in London. 


Karsen is an artist of many mediums. After graduating from NYU Tisch, they have kept creating works in collaboration with cari ann shim sham* and Demetris Charalambous, notably Gorgeous Creatures (2022), and currently the development of an AI choreographer. These days Karsen is learning to sew, in order to bring to life the self-customizations floating around in their head. This is one part of the effort to build the world in their mind outside of it. “I want to live in my fantasy realm. Where bodies aren’t limited to human design, and you can customize your avatar with mecha, or have gills. Where magic is seen. And music is always playing. To your left is a cyberpunk alley, beyond that a forest of destruction, before you a spiral floor of trials so vast you lived ten lives already.  And above you there’s a floating lake, and it’s gleaming, with steam spilling over the edges in a red starry sky and I’m running running running leaping glitching closer so I can dive in and find out where it leads. Or maybe I’ll wait for a bit, and let its water cleanse me as I shrink smaller and smaller until I am the lake itself. Who knows what I’ll do in that moment?” -Karsen, about the world they choose to live in.  They’ll make a map next.

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to Mar 31

WISH* drop on fxhash

  • Google Calendar ICS

WISH* by cari ann shim sham*

Auction starts March 10, 2023 at 13:00 on fxhash

Price in Tezos

Dutch auction


changes every 5 minutes

WISH* a generative art project on fxhash

> What do you wish for? <

WISH* continues exploring the *poofs* from my previous project "slow draw (rare version)", this time placing the inscription beneath the poofs.

Arcs, circles, triangles, and beziers inscribe with variations on spacing and rotation in carefully chosen color palettes to invoke memory and emotion.

From 55 background color palettes, 25 poof color palettes and 4 filter layers comes an endless array of playful poof wishscapes.

Sometimes an egg is revealed to signal Spring's entrance into 2023.

This project began in the December depths of winter and has delivered me joyfully into Spring.

May it find you well and may it bring you what you wish for.

In gratitude,

cari ann shim sham*

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to Jan 16

Getting Closer to Dance

cari ann shim sham* will present on Friday Jan 13th at 2:45pm on Art as Digital Currency.

shim sham* will also be in the Think Tank presentation on Jan 12th at 2:45pm

This is a new symposium designed for dance and movement-based professionals co-hosted by The Joyce Theater and New York University/Steinhardt in collaboration with dance and technology innovator Norah Zuniga-Shaw.

This extraordinary January symposium is co-directed by Heather McCartney and Cornelius Carter (The Joyce) and offers the opportunity to engage in discourse and exploration of the topics below:

  • performance post-2020: lessons, losses, and discoveries

  • curriculum as curation (i.e. guest speakers, artists, repertoire, and faculty)

  • challenging and redefining mentorship, and increasing student agency

  • 21st century currencies and tactics for sharing resources, power, and access

  • advancing equity and collaboration through transformative leadership

  • creative and critical engagement with technology

  • weaving technology, leadership, and advocacy in service of better futures

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