pandemic statements” is a film by cari ann shim sham* centered around emotional states, written statements, sounds and movements of, from and for a pandemic captured & witnessed through screens. it is a work that creates space for how we've seen and been seen by each other, how we need to be seen now; demonstrating how we continue to move through it all seeing differently. ultimately it is creative a space for processing, for mourning, and for healing through physical, written, sounding and emotional state practices about the effects that the pandemic has had upon us.
direction, editing, composition and sound design by cari ann shim sham* & additional acoustic track by joey zaza
“pandemic statements” exhibited at the Ammerman Center for Arts and Technology at Connecticut College 17th Biennial Symposium for Arts and Technology, November 10, 11, and 12, 2022 and screened at the NYC Indie Film Festival June 17, 2022
pandemic statements
the pandemic statements collaborative is
ariana chavez
tara hadley
elizabeth kumeiko
leslie lashinsky
sarah lewis
jordana owens
cari ann shim sham*
rachel symons